Jeepers Creepers! Climate Change Threatens Endangered Honeycreepers
Deadly Diseases May Move Up Hawaiian Mountains to Birds’ Refuges
Released: 5/26/2009 10:00:00 AM
As climate change causes temperatures to increase in Hawaii’s mountains, deadly
non-native bird diseases will likely also creep up the mountains, invading most
of the last disease-free refuges for honeycreepers – a group of endangered and
remarkable birds.
A just-published U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) review discusses the likelihood
of a forthcoming “disease invasion” by examining the present altitudinal range
of avian malaria and pox, honeycreeper distribution, and the future projected
range of diseases and honeycreeper habitat with climate change.
At one time, the Hawaiian Islands had no mosquitoes – and no mosquito-borne
diseases. But, by the late 1800s, mosquitoes had set up permanent housekeeping,
setting the stage for epidemic transmission of avian malaria and pox. Honeycreepers
– just like people faced with novel viruses such as swine flu – had no natural
resistance against these diseases.
Before long, Hawaii’s native honeycreepers significantly declined in numbers
and geographic range. It was likely that malaria swept rapidly across all of
the lower Hawaiian Islands after the disease was introduced, leaving few survivors.
Today, native Hawaiian birds face one of the highest rates of extinction in
the world. Of 41 honeycreeper species and subspecies known since historic times,
17 are probably extinct, 14 are endangered, and only 3 are in decent shape.
Pox and malaria transmission in Hawaii depends on climatic conditions, especially
seasonal changes in temperature and rainfall that increase or decrease mosquito
populations. “Without question, the one factor that prevented widespread and
rapid extinction of virtually all of Hawaii’s native honeycreepers after the
introduction of avian pox and avian malaria was the presence of high-altitude
disease refuges on Kauai, Maui and Hawaii,” said lead study author Dr. Carter
Atkinson, a USGS microbiologist based at the USGS Pacific Islands Ecosystems
Research Center in Hawaii.
These cool, high-elevation – above 4,000 feet (1,200 meters) -- mountains not
only provided habitats that mosquitoes didn’t thrive in, but they also had habitat
that honeycreepers liked, wrote the authors. While birds in those areas find
refuge from the diseases – dispersing juvenile birds and adults that follow
seasonal flowering of native plants to lower elevations are exposed to disease.
“Unfortunately,” said study co-author, USGS scientist Dr. Dennis LaPointe, “this
seasonal movement happens at the same time that mosquito populations soar at
mid-elevations, which fuels high disease-transmission rates there. There’s a
continuous source of disease-susceptible birds each fall.”
Although most disease transmission now occurs in these mid-elevation forests,
this will change if the projected 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit (2 degrees Centigrade)
raise in temperature occurs.
“With this kind of temperature change, about 60 to 96 percent of the high-elevation
disease refuges would disappear,” said Atkinson. For example, available high-elevation
forest habitat in the low-risk disease zone would likely decline by nearly 60
percent at Hanawi Natural Area Reserve on Maui to as much as 96 percent at Hakalau
Forest National Wildlife Refuge on Hawaii Island. On other islands, such as
Kauai, with lower elevations and no low-risk zones even now, predicted temperature
changes would likely be catastrophic for remaining honeycreeper species.
“Right now, disease transmission in the mountains of Kaui is highly seasonal,
but with temperature increases, disease would be able to be transmitted throughout
most of the year,” said Atkinson.
In addition, the tropical inversion layer – often visible as a thin cloud layer
around high peaks -- may play a more significant role than temperature in determining
tree line and the upper extent of forest bird habitat, the authors wrote. The
inversion layer forms as cool, dry air meets warm, moist air, creating an inversion
layer that caps moisture and cloud development between 5,900 and 7,900 feet
(1,800 and 2,400 meters). Over the past 24 years, the height of this layer has
remained fairly stable in spite of warming trends but has increased in how often
it occurs.
“This could have a tremendous adverse effect on the continued existence of high-elevation
disease refugia,” said Atkinson. “Remaining bird populations could be squeezed
between expanding disease transmission from lower elevations and the upper limits
of suitable forest habitat. Such changes would likely push remaining populations
of threatened and endangered honeycreepers to extinction, and cause severe declines
in other honeycreepers not now endangered but susceptible to avian malaria.”
Given the likelihood of global warming, the authors suggested that management
of mid-elevation habitats to reduce disease transmission will become increasingly
vital. The best opportunities for doing this, they wrote, will be through reducing
habitat for mosquito larvae, habitat that is often created by introduced feral
pigs, goats and cattle in forests.
“The survival of these species into the next century may ultimately depend on
our ability to remove or offset introduced threats and restore native forests
from sea level to tree line,” Atkinson said.
Honeycreepers rival Darwin’s finches in the Galapagos Islands in terms of their
bill types and number of species that descended from a common founder. The birds
specialize on food that includes nectar, fruits and insects. Before people came
to the islands, as many as 56 kinds of honeycreepers probably occurred.
Avian malaria is caused by a protozoan parasite, and avian pox is a viral infection
that typically causes tumor-like swellings on exposed skin of the feet, legs,
beak and eyelids of infected birds. Malaria often results in appetite and weight
loss, anemia, and massive enlargement of birds’ liver and spleen.
The article, Introduced avian diseases, climate change, and the future of Hawaiian
honeycreepers, was published in the Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery.
Contact Information:
Carter Atkinson
U.S. Department of the Interior,
U.S. Geological
Office of Communication
119 National Center
Reston, VA 20192
The article: courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey
Title: Iiwi Honeycreeper
Description: While still common at higher elevations, iiwi are extremely susceptible
to avian malaria. Mortality is as high as 90% after exposure to a single infective
mosquito bite under laboratory conditions.
Location: USA
Photographer: Carter Atkinson, U.S. Geological Survey
Title: Amakihi Honeycreeper
Description: During the past decade populations of this honeycreeper have begun
to rebound at lower elevations on most of the main Hawaiian Islands, in spite
of high prevalence of infection with avian malaria. Natural selection for resistance
to avian malaria is the leading explanation for this rebound and recent genetic
studies indicate that these populations are genetically distinct from their
higher elevation counterparts.
Location: USA
Photographer: Dennis LaPointe, U.S. Geological Survey
Title: Akepa Honeycreeper
Description: While the susceptibility of endangered akepa honeycreepers to avian
malaria is unknown, it is likely very high given their current restriction to
the highest elevation forests on the island of Hawaii.
Location: USA
Photographer: Carter Atkinson, U.S. Geological Survey
Title: Akiapolaau Honeycreeper
Description: While the susceptibility of endangered akepa honeycreepers to avian
malaria is unknown, it is likely very high given their current restriction to
the highest elevation forests on the island of Hawaii.
Location: USA
Photographer: Carter Atkinson, U.S. Geological Survey
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