Maroon Oriole
Oriolus traillii

5th June, 2008
Possible regional races (polytypic)
-O. t. traillii
Oriolus traillii traillii
Triuginarayan, Uttaranchal, India, 22nd Jun, 2006.
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474 Oriolus trailli, Vig.

Generally diffused throughout the forests of the western and Eastern Hills, from elevations of 3,000 to nearly 6,000 feet; never seen in the basin. They go about singly or in pairs, in the tops of the trees and have a rather pleasant whistled call.

A fine adult measured:- Length, 11.0; expanse, 17.8; tail, 4.4; wing, 5.83; tarsus, 0.97; bill from gape, 1.4; weight, 2.78 oz.

Legs and feet pale leaden blue; soles yellowish hoary; bill a delicate pale lavender; iredes pale orange.

This, though a perfect adult in plumage, is not an old adult, the breast and interscapulary region not having yet assumed the intensely deep, almost blackish, crimson that characterizes the very old birds.

I have this species from Shillong peak. Godwin-Austen also records it from the khasi hills, and includes it in his Dafla hill list, but beyond this I know nothing of its distribution in Assam, Sylhet and Cachar.

[Not very rare in Dibrugarh. An Adult male:- Length, 10.5; expanse, 16.75; tail, 3.8; wing, 5.5; tarsus, 1.0; bill from gape, 1.42; weight, 3.1 oz. Irides salmon yellow; legs, feet and base of claws plumbeous, rest of claws white; bill and eyelids bluish grey; food berries.

During my residence of seven years in Dibrugarh I saw about a dozen others. They are very wary birds- JRC]


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