White-browed Shortwing
Brachypteryx montana

27th Mar, 2008
Possible regional races (polytypic)
-B. m. cruralis
Brachypteryx montana cruralis
Panbari, Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India, 8th Jan, 2008.
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Again I have 338.- Brachypteryx cruralis, Bly., from the Khasi hills and Shillong, but never met with it in Manipur, nor do I know of its having been found elsewhere in Assam, Sylhet, Cachar or British Burmah, though Ramsay obtained it just outside the north-east frontier of this latter in Karenee.

All these Pnoepygas and Brachypteryx are skulking, sneaking brushwood birds, that demand close and leisurely collection, and I doubt not that as time goes on most of them will prove to be far more widely distributed than we at present have any idea of.

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