Accipiter badius

Possible regional races (polytypic)
-A. b. cenchroides
-A. b. dussumieri
-A. b. badius

KGNP, Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India, 15th Aug, 2006.
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The Shikra is very common throughout the whole of India spreading to Ceylon, Assam, Burmah and Malayana; also to Afghanistan, and probably other parts of Asia. It frequents open jungles, groves, garden and avenues. It either takes a low stealthy fight along the edges of a wood, garden or hedge row and pounces on any unwary bird or lizard or soars high in circles and pounces down when it sees any prey. Its general food appears to be lizards but it frequently seizes small birds, rats or mice and sometimes does not disdain a large grasshopper.

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