Speckled Piculet
Picumnus innominatus

Possible regional races (polytypic)
-P. i. malayorum
-P. i. innominatus
Picumnus innominatus innominatus
Kund, 42 Kms before Kedarnath, Uttaranchal, India, 22nd June, 2006.
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I never saw this about the capital or in the central part of the basin, but I met with it at the edges of this along the basis of the hills and both high and low in both the Eastern and Western hills. It is not very common, but still I must have seen a score from first to last. It is very fond of bamboos, amongst which, for so tiny a bird, it makes with its bill a considerable clatter.

The male differs from the female in having a rather larger bill and brownish red on the forehead, which in the female is uniform with the crown.

In Assam this seems generally distributed in hills and plains, of course in suitable localities.

[Far from rare in the Dibrugarh district, and as stated the noise it makes with its bill against the bamboos often draws attention to it. Legs plumbeous, bill the same, tipped black. - J. R. C.]

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