Rufous-breasted Accentor
Prunella strophiata

12 January 2010

Possible regional races (polytypic)
-P. s. jerdoni; Brooks, WE, 1872
-P. s. strophiata; Blyth, E, 1843, J.A.S.B. 12, p959

A. strophiatus, Hodgson. Size of A. modularis, and readily distinguished by its bright ferruginous breast and streak over the eye. Length about five inches and a half, of wing two inches and a quarter to two and a half, and tail two inches and one-eighth to two and a quarter; bill to gape five-eighths of an inch, and tarae thirteen-sixteenths of an inch. Upper parts much as in A. modularis, but the colours brighter and more contrasted, and the crown and neck uniform with the back; a broad eye-streak, the first portion of which is white to beyond the eye, surmounting a ferruginous streak continued backward to the occiput; a semi-circle of the aame surrounds the dusky ear-coverts, and the entire breast is also ferruginous; throat white, with dusky spots, forming a line descending from each angle of the lower mandible; belly aad lower tail-coyerts white with dusky streaks; wing-feathers dusky, margined with ferruginous, with an albescent spot at the tip of each covert; tail brownish, with dull rufous outer margins: bill black, and legs reddish-brown. Nepal.

Historical notes for Prunella strophiata strophiata
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Rufous-breasted Accentor, Prunella strophiata

Rufous-breasted Accentor, Prunella strophiata jerdoni, Adult
Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh, India, 27 December 2008
Many were seen in the undisturbed shady hillside bushes - DD

718. Tharrhaleus strophiatus. The Rufous-breasted Accentor.

Accentor strophiatus, Hodgs., Blyth, J. A. S. B. xii, p. 959 (1843)

Coloration. The whole upper plumage rufous-brown streaked with black: wings dark brown edged with rufous, the coverts tipped with fulvous on the outer web; tail brown; lores, cheeks, and ear-coverts black; a broad supercilium, white in front of the eve, deep ferruginous behind, bordered above by a black band; chin and throat white, spotted with black chiefly at the sides; sides of neck fishy streaked with black; breast deep ferruginous; middle of abdomen whitish; remainder of lower plumage reddish brown streaked with black.

Many birds have the breast streaked with black; they are probably birds of the first winter.

Distribution. Sikhim and Nepal, extending west along the Himalayas to Kotgarh. This species appears to be a constant resident in the higher portions of the Himalayas and to breed both in Nepal and Sikhim. It is found throughout Tibet and Western China.

Rufous-breasted Accentor, Prunella strophiata
Historical notes for Prunella strophiata jerdoni
719. Tharrhaleus jerdoni. Jerdon's Accentor.

Accentor jerdoni, Brooks, J. A. S. B. xli, pt. ii, p. 327 (1872)

Coloration. Resembles T. strophiatus. Differs in having the whole upper plumage greyish brown, with only the back streaked, the few traces of streaks visible on the crown being obscure or obsolete; the lateral black bands on the crown are broader and more massive; the hinder part of the supercilium and the breast are pale rufous, not deep ferruginous.

Distribution. The Himalayas from Gilgit to Mussooree. This species appears to be a summer visitor to Gilgit, where it breeds at 10,000 feet and upwards, and a winter visitor to the lower portions of the mountains.

Habits, &c. Captain Cock found the nest of this bird at Sonamarg in Kashmir in June, a cup of pine-needles and grass placed in a low bough of a pine-tree. The eggs measure about .75 by .55.


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